Seven Boats is a leading content writing company in Kolkata, India, providing high quality well researched in-depth content for your websites or business. With our content writing services in Kolkata, India, get top rank in SERP, attract more targeted traffic organically with your content and convert them to your paying visitors. Our inbound marketing specialists help you in content strategy formulation & execution. We have expert team of experienced content writers whose write ups have been accepted and appreciated by 1000+ national & international clients .
Content Writing Services
(Creative & SEO Content Writing for Blog, Sales Page, Newsletter, Website, Marketing , Ad Copywriting and more – By Seven Boats, Kolkata, India)
Original and high quality content writing service to boost your Online Marketing Effort
You are in Good hand. Our content writing services have been highly appreciated by various national & international clients. See our content writing samples . Read our testimonials.
Our content writing specialties –
- -> Unique content, copyscape passed.
- -> Fresh & highly relevant content.
- -> Well researched & informative writing.
- -> Lucid & Crisp content flow.
- -> Highly effective content writing to attract & engage your customers.
The Power of the Written Word
Content forms the mainstay of any online campaign. You are communicating with your targeted consumers about your business with the help of written web pages. There is no way in which you can ignore the demands for a well-written and readable website.
Our content writing services understands the growing need for quality content. We have a team of experienced and skilled content writers. They are well-versed in the art of online writing, which is very different from any other medium.
Online content writing has to be simple, enjoyable and informative. Relevance of the content to the web page is also very important.
When consumers are looking to purchase on the Internet, they want to read informative, credible accounts about products and services. Full-throttle marketing copies repel the average online user because they know that overzealous marketers can write anything to make a sale.
Our content writing services does not believe in such practices. We are also against packing the content of the website or other associated web pages with keywords. Our writers make use of relevant keywords judiciously.
The stress is on communicating the idea in simple, lucid words. The writers on our SEO team know that online users glance through content speedily. We make provisions to reach out through an easy language.
You need copy that works for your landing page, but putting it together yourself can be a frustrating and fruitless experience.
7Boats empowers you to quickly and easily build custom, graphically-enhanced landing pages without further cost, code, or hassle. 7Boats delivers copywriting advice & unique quality content for each type of landing page directly from your Blogging / WordPress interface, so you get better while getting things done.
Some of the pointers of our content writing services:
- Stress on communicating the marketing idea and information as opposed to keywords. Keywords accentuate the writing, not dictate it. Our writers draft copies that are sufficiently readable and precise
- Focus on the online consumers’ needs. The web page that they visit must have the content that they are looking for. The meta tags, the headlines and the main content are all synchronized in a straight alignment
- Thorough understanding of the SEO structure and its demands on content. The writers adhere to the norms and trends of online writing by drafting search engine-friendly copies
- Use of easy-to-read language that makes an immediate impression on the online readers. A specific, to-the-point approach is followed in writing web pages.
Types of Content Writing Services
Hire our expert content writers for the following type of content writing assignments.
- Article writing services
- Website copy-writing services
- Blog post writing services
- Press release writing services
- Newsletter writing services
- Sales page writing services
- Content editing and correction services
- Landing pages
- Ad copy
- Multi-media content
- Jingles
- Memes
- Story Board
- White Papers
- Interactive Content
- Voice Search Content Writing
- Cover Letter Writing
- Email Newsletter writing
- ECommerce Product Write-ups
- Social Post Writing
Article Writing Services
Our high quality article writing service provides search engine optimized unique article writing on various industry verticals. Unique Compelling content . Read about How to write compelling website content
Reach out with Information
The work of disseminating information to online consumers is done through articles. These articles contain material that the potential consumers would want to know about the products and services which you are selling. These articles are fed into high-traffic article submission websites so that these users can find them easily.
Search engines will also consider these articles and the web links embedded in them. Article writing services are one of the most important aspects of SEO services. Well-written articles can win over online traffic for your website.
The articles are written in a way that makes the reader curious and inquisitive. Then they click on the anchor text web link and visit your website for further details.
The articles written by our article writing services go a long way in winning the confidence of these buyers about your products and services. Our writers make sure that the articles are researched thoroughly and the material is authentic. We do not mislead your potential consumers by writing false claims and wrong theories.
Responsible article writing services are our forte. We make use of the raw materials and data that you provide us to draft the articles. These copies are proof-read and edited professionally. The demands of search engines are kept in mind while writing the articles. The article writing services team does not spam keywords or use them trivially.
Some of the cornerstones of our article writing services are listed here:
- Research is the key. Our writers do not put down half-baked information and pass them off as facts. They study your website, the products and services, along with your marketing objective before hitting the keyboards
- Use of relevant keywords judiciously. We lay enough stress on this point. Search engines do not favor articles with an overdose of keywords. We keep the keyword density firmly in check and in tandem with the best practices of the SEO industry
- Control over the language to make articles readable and enjoyable. No online reader is interested in an article that flies off the tangent. Our writers avoid the temptation of showing off learning and keep things simple.
Website Copywriting Services
Looking for Creative SEO Copywriting? Our unique and quality website copywriting service helps you to make your website content-rich and more informative.
Create Taglines that Capture Attention
The taglines and catch-phrases that adorn your website must be good enough to capture the attention of the online visitors. There are numerous other websites in the same domain that you are working in. All these websites are trying to get into the mindscape of the online user.
Unless your website copy has a hook that demands excellent brand recall, you cannot expect the viewer to single you out for purchase. Our website copywriting services have the edge that you need. With our writers skilled in the use of language, we can hit out a tagline or phrase that captures the mood of the website.
Website copywriting service is a specialized work. A writer with vague skills cannot work out a tagline that works or makes an impression. To write a tagline worth a few words, our website copywriting services pore over research material and information to understand what you are trying to convey.
Every website has a theme that is at the center of its content and designing. The tagline must pay obeisance to this concept of the website. It must also look to enhance it and bring it out more expressively. That is why we have populated out website copy-writing services with experienced writers who can handle this kind of responsibility with élan.
Here are some pointers that our website copy-writing services unit adheres to:
- Clear understanding of the website’s theme and purpose. This is integral for copywriting. The online user must not find a discrepancy in the theme and the caption that you put up on the website
- Use of words and phrases that make an instant appeal to the online user’s mind. Our writers know that few users would pause to make sense of a difficult tagline. We believe in keeping things simple
- Copy-writing is blended seamlessly with the concept and theme of the website. Our website copywriting services keep a close adherence to the theme and purpose of the website. Your online visitors are never mislead or wrongly informed.
Blog Writing Services
Blog your brand to popularity by our blog content writing services. We provide quality blog writing service that helps you get better search engine rankings .
Blog Your Brand to Popularity
The use of blogs in online marketing is trending to a zenith! Blogs are excellent vehicles to put your thoughts out to the consumers. Even potential consumers would like to know about your brand’s plans for the future, the different kinds of products and services that are in the pipeline and when you intend to release them into the market.
Keeping the consumer informed is critically important to make them buy it. Our blog writing services build up this anticipation and eagerness about your brand. Our blog writers share details that you want your consumers to know. Blogs can also be used to explain your stance in matters.
Writing a blog is very different from drafting an article. In a blog, you can be more personal, less objective and genuinely opinionated. Blog writing services from our stable make sure that your blogs score on all these aspects.
Blogs must connect with the readers in an intimate way. The reader must be encouraged to comment or share their views on your blog. This will help build up a discussion and a consensus about the issues related to your products and services.
The purpose of the blog is best served to inform the online users about your future plans. Keep the consumers readily updated and you will not have to worry about publicity when you launch a new product or service!
The salient features of our blog writing services are:
- Impersonal and appealing style of writing that makes an instant connection with the readers. The blogs are like the voice of your business, addressed to the consumers. The connection is informal and intimate
- Credible and authentic information about products, services, offers and marketing schemes. The blog posts will contain material that online users cannot find on any other online platform. So they have to read your blog to know about your company
- Excellent analysis and statistic interpretation to help your consumers make an informed choice. In that way, consumers will trust your blog for material about not just your brand, but also about the industry you are in.
Press Release Writing Services
Be it company press release, promotional press release or product press release, our high quality SEO press release writing services help you stand out .
Announce Your Plans with a Bang
Online press releases are popular among Internet marketers because of their ability to cut across territories and make themselves heard. Press release statements are picked up by search engines. In fact, well-written and keyword-rich press releases often end up in the email inbox of online users who register for alerts and updates with the major search engines.
Services like Google Alerts are able to reach out online press release statements to interested consumers through email alerts. Our press release writing services ensures that your brand is able to exploit these advantages. We have skilled writers on our press release writing services who understand this mode of communication thoroughly.
Online press release writing services have to follow certain tenets to make the right kind of impact. It must be universally readable, in a language that does not pose problems for common online users. The press release statements can be used for a number of reasons.
You can announce the launch of a new product or service. It can also inform the online consumers about changes in your tariff or offer schemes. Because of their wide reach, press releases are instrumental in tapping online consumers who are not within the framework of your online marketing network. Our press release writing services also makes sure that the press releases adhere to the international standards and best practices.
Here are some reasons why you our press release writing services:
- A linguistic approach that is successful in making an immediate impression on the reader. A complicated narrative in a press release is not ideal. Our press release writers stick to the basics and deal with points in a precise, to-the-point manner
- Detailed analysis of the news that the press release is carrying. Our press release writing services do not dish out half-baked information. We provide authentic and reliable material for your online consumers
- Regular updates are made through paid and non-paid press release websites. Your announcements are made available to every online consumer who is interested in your brand.
Email Newsletter Writing Services
High Quality Newsletter Writing Services to Grow Traffic and Business.Newsletter Writing Services that stand out and help Building business relationships .
Reach Out to Email Inboxes with Your Business
Targeted email marketing is a definite way to make your online business popular. With the help of emails, you can ensure that your products and services reach the inbox of thousands of consumers across the globe. Email marketing is best done by newsletters.
Our newsletter writing services is equipped to handle the challenges associated with this form of online marketing. Internet service providers (ISPs) and email service providers (ESPs) lay down several rules that newsletters have to abide by.
Failing to comply would derail the marketing campaign. Our newsletter writing services unit is equipped to handle these parameters and blend them with your marketing mantra.
An average email user is swamped with several marketing newsletters on a daily basis. Many of them do not even reach the inbox but gets directed to the spam folder! With our newsletter writing services, we make things interesting for an online user.
Newsletters packed with marketing jargon and clichéd language fails to make an impression, let alone excite the reader enough to click and visit your services web page. In our newsletter writing services, we make a conscious attempt to make the copy interesting.
We pack the draft with information on how the reader can reap benefit from your business. Our writers also follow the best practices of writing newsletters, as accepted by international standards.
These are some reasons why you need our newsletter writing services:
- Comprehensive approach to newsletter writing that creates a demand in the reader’s mind. Exciting and curious copies always registers an impression, resulting in a visit to your services web page, providing you with an opportunity to sell
- Compliance with international standards of newsletter writing. Our writers have thorough knowledge of CAN SPAM Act and the practices of ISPs and ESPs. This ensures that your newsletters reach the inbox of the receiver
- Analytical writing style with a strong emphasis on empirical and tested data. Our writers do not mislead with the use of ornamental phrases and a complicated linguistic approach.
Copy Editing and Proofreading Services
We rectify content to fit best into your website and to bring more visitors. Get high quality SEO content by our content editing and proofreading services .
Make Website Content Crisp
Errors on websites reflect poorly on your brand. Readers are repelled by spelling and syntax errors on your web pages. When they visit your website, they are looking for quality content. Any other form of presenting information to them is utterly rejected. Disappointed online visitors may not visit your website again!
Our content editing and correction services rescue your website from Internet oblivion. Experienced and skilled editors go through your content to eradicate all inconsistencies in the use of language. The razor-sharp editing skills of our team equip your web pages to face the scrutiny of online users.
Just like our content editing services, we have a team of tenacious online proof readers. Their job is to ensure that your web pages are free from typos and similar mistakes. Content editing and correction services are the backbone of any website.
No matter how properly your websites are written, errors on the copy will undo the hard work. At the same time, you cannot entrust this crucial task to amateurs who have a command over the English language.
Content editing and correct is a specialized and professional service. You will need dedicated experts who have acquired the tools of editing through practice. In content editing and correction services, experience has no substitute.
Here are some ways in which our content editing and correction services can better your web content:
- Careful and thorough editing and proof reading of the web pages. We can take a magnifying glass through your web content efficiently. The work is done with a time frame in mind
- Immense importance is placed on the requirements of a website in respect of online and search engine parameters. Aesthetically-exquisite website content is not enough. The editing ensures that your web pages are keyword-rich and devoid of in-your-face sales language
Experienced editors and proof readers who have domain knowledge. Their skills make all the difference in our content editing and correction services. They are meticulous, professional and comprehensive in their approach to editing and proof reading.
Tutorial on How to write content effectively
Read here – Content Writing Tutorial: how to write effective content?
Associated Online Marketing Services
- Web Development Services
- Web Design Services
- SEO Services
- Social Media Marketing Services
- PPC Services
- Content Writing Services
- Digital Marketing Services
Learn digital marketing. Seven Boats Academy offers online digital marketing training course, digital marketing training course in Kolkata & digital marketing workshop for students, professionals & entrepreneurs/organizations.